Paul Fink
Jan 5, 2017
Thank goodness for speech therapy...
I had major brain injuries because lots of different parts of the brain were affected with my stroke, hence I have Aphasia. It is a...

Paul Fink
Dec 15, 2016
Cricket is a religion...
Mecca is regarded as the holiest city in the religion of Islam, Jerusalem is the holiest city in Judaism and Melbourne is the holiest...

Paul Fink
Nov 9, 2016
My time at Caulfield hospital
After my fourth and final brain surgery, I was discharged from the Alfred hospital to Caulfield rehab hospital where I spent a further...

Paul Fink
Sep 25, 2016
Why am I here?
My coma lasted two weeks. I awoke from my coma but I can't remember waking up. I can't recognise my room at intensive care unit (ICU) and...