Paul Fink
Sep 3, 2020
Handy Hints - How to do shoelaces with one hand
After my stroke, my inpatient rehab occupational therapist - Bianca - tried to get me to consider getting orthopaedic type-velcro shoes,...

Paul Fink
Aug 4, 2020
Sharing is caring
I started this blog a few years ago and the aims were to try to document my recovery, but also to raise awareness of stroke and help...

Paul Fink
Mar 22, 2019
Working out at Gelbarts Gym
This video is a snapshot of my exercise routine at Gelbarts Gym. The owner, Dave Gelbart, is a personal trainer, a good friend and a...

Paul Fink
Feb 22, 2019
A question of direction...
It was a beautiful day for riding this week, so I rode my trike to the local velodrome. I can’t use a two-wheel bike yet because my...

Paul Fink
Jan 3, 2019
Use the force Paul...
Being a very healthy man before my stroke, my first experience with Occupational therapy (OT) in my life was after my stroke, so starting...