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Stroke Play

Paul Fink

At long last, I returned to the golf course!

Disappointingly, I was not picked for the Presidents Cup this weekend, but I played 18 holes as part of the Maccabi AJAX Cricket Club golf day last Friday instead at Cranbourne Golf Club. Jokes aside, it was amazing and surreal feeling to play. I like social aspect of golf - if fact, I never played competition golf in my life - and my last golf game was over seven years ago - pre-stroke and pre-knee issues - so I was pretty stoked to take part and meet up with old friends and meet new people also.

I was pretty rusty, lots of mis-hits but I hit a few good shots, my teammates were very accommodating for my deficits and very encouraging. My lessons at Empower golf at Sandhurst and Albert Park driving range were very beneficial so I’m very thankful for that. Also the *Ambrose format suits me well because I can’t play powerful drives with only one arm functioning yet - my longest drive was 130 metres.

I am still limited with my walking and playing sports, so the cricket club generously organised a buggy for me, and my teammates drove the buggy to ease the burden for me. After a few holes, I was feeling adventurous and I was thinking about driving the buggy, however I was unsure how I can physically to do it because my ‘normal’ car has modifications - mainly my acceleration pedal is facing the other side. Anyway, I tried it successfully and I was pretty excited - and it was pretty straightforward after all.

Golf is very nice social outlet and more importantly, after the day I was feeling more connected to my community. It was an amazing experience and I am excited to play next year and beyond.


ps. Sounds like the international team (at Presidents Cup) could have used my help!

* The Ambrose format is very popular as it allows all standards of golfers to mix and play together with equal enjoyment irrespective of ability.

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