Paul Fink
- Nov 9, 2016
My time at Caulfield hospital
After my fourth and final brain surgery, I was discharged from the Alfred hospital to Caulfield rehab hospital where I spent a further...
Paul Fink
- Oct 24, 2016
Everyone has dreams. My dreams are normally weird (in general) and sometimes very vivid and not relevant or no meaning and very random....
Paul Fink
- Oct 10, 2016
My presentation - National Stroke Week
I told my story on my stroke to > 100 people at Seek last Friday, part of National Stroke Week. National Stroke Week is the Stroke...
Paul Fink
- Sep 25, 2016
Why am I here?
My coma lasted two weeks. I awoke from my coma but I can't remember waking up. I can't recognise my room at intensive care unit (ICU) and...
Paul Fink
- Sep 12, 2016
My Stroke - 31 January, 2014
Very difficult writing about my stroke because can't remember 95% what happened. I remember sleeping soundly - Thursday 30 January -...